DenteMax has established a reputation of quality by building a network of credentialed dentists. Members have peace of mind when choosing a DenteMax dentist because the DenteMax network is made up of the best dentists in the nation. It is for precisely this reason that DenteMax requires credentialing before a dentist is accepted into the network, and then requires recredentialing every 3 years.
Every dentist who applies to participate in the DenteMax network must provide all the documentation requested in the Application & Updates section.
DenteMax contracts with third-party credentials verification organization (CVO) to collect and verify credentialing information on our behalf. Our CVO will be identified by name and will reference DenteMax on any correspondence with your office.
If any information submitted on the application does not match what is collected during the process, DenteMax will notify your practice and you will be given the opportunity to correct any provided information.
Please be assured that all the information DenteMax collects as part of the credentialing process is handled as strictly confidential by our staff and our CVO, and in accordance with all applicable state and federal guidelines. This information will not be given or sold to any third-party organization.